CounterStrike "Old Enemies" Peter Sinclair impatiently sat in a London pub called ironicly The Alexander.Even though it was noon,London time he was still running on Paris time which was six hours earlier. Peter ran his right hand through his close cut blond hair and glanced at his watch again.She was over twenty minutes late.As if they were on the same wavelength his cellular phone rang. "Sinclair." "She there yet,Pete?"Hector Stone's anxious voice came back. Subconsciencely Peter glanced out the Pub's window,"No, anything from Alexander?" Across town in the city's West End Stone answered,"Not a peep but its only been five minutes since I called him. Maybe she got caught in traffic." Peter Sinclair glanced at the doorway of the Pub again, no Gabrille,"Stone,I'm getting a bad feeling." "Yea,so am I.I'll get there as soon as I can." PARIS,FRANCE In his office suite Alexander Additon frowned as stared sadly at the vidphone. "And no one's heard from her for the past three hours?" Peter Sinclair shook his head,a worried look on his handsome face,"No.Gabrille would never skip out in the middle of a mission." Alexander nodded,"Where are you now?" "Enroute back to Paris.Stone and I thought that she would have contacted us by now if she was able to." PARIS,FRANCE Alexander Additon,a handsome man in his early sixties glanced up from his desk speaker phone as Peter Sinclair and Hector Stone walked in,Alex waved them over as they paused just inside the doorway. "I don't care if the Irish Republican Army is invading at full force!I want to know where that transmission came from and I wanted it yesterday!"Alex slammed the off button in anger and frustration. “Transmission?What transmission?"Peter demanded. As an answer Alex motioned to Bennett who hit a button to play back the video transmission two hours earlier. There was a burst of static and then the image of Gabrille Jamont appeared.Her pretty face was beaten and she had electrodes attached to her forehead. Wired to the wooden chair she was strapped to was enough plastic explosive to blow up ten city blocks. Peter felt a chill run up and down his spine as Gabrille's blue eyes stared back at him in pure terror.He instinctively rushed toward the vidscreen,a cold electronicly disguised voice stopped him as it burst from the speakers. "Peter Sinclair,"The tinny voice began causing Peter's blood to run cold,"I'm sure you recognize my latest trophy." "Trophy?!"Stone's voice bit out angrily his black eyes the color of coal. "As you can see by the timer,"The cold voice began again,"You have less than twelve hours to find the lovely Ms.Jamont,or this will be your last image of her." Gabrille's terrified image was cut off with a burst of static. Stone opened his mouth to say something,but changed his mind and started to stalk around the office suite.Far to angry for words. "Stone,will you please stop wearing a hole in the carpet."Peter said,his voice calm but his blue eyes blazed with fury,"It won't help." Stone glared at him before saying,"Well,it will make me feel a hell of a lot better." "Any leads?"Peter asked quietly. "No,it just came through the main office.I just got off the phone with the London police,I also have a call into Scotland Yard.Peter do you have any idea who might have her?" Peter Sinclair thought for a moment before replying,"The only person I can think of who likes to play games and thinks of people as trophies is our old friend Trevor Winston." Alexander Addition sank heavily into the high backed black leather chair as he said softly,"He's never done anything this vicious." Stone looked at Alex as if he'd just said that Elvis was alive,"Never done anything vicious?!Are we talking about the same guy here?This is the same person who told you your wife was alive and that he was holding her for ransom.As he was pulling that scam on you he tried to drown me in a submerged delivery truck,and almost succeeded! We've got to get Gaby out of there before he does something really crazy." Peter crossed his arms over his chest as he gave his friend a strange look,"You mean besides blowing her to bits?" Stone just glared at him,"She wouldn't even be attached to that bomb if it wasn't for you!" "I am well aware of that."Peter answered coldly. Alexander's small headache was turning into a migraine,"Will you two please stop.This is not going to help Gabrille." Just as Alex was fumbling in his right desk drawer for his bottle of aspirin Bennett rushed in,his face was pale,"Sir, the London Police just called.An abandoned warehouse in the Westend district just went up in a ball of flame." Peter Sinclair felt his face pale,"No." Stone uncounsciencly glared at the vidscreen,"No,it can't be we still have at least ten hours." Peter started to stalk toward the oak doors,his blue eyes the color of a glacier. Alex stood behind his desk,"Peter where are you going?!" With his right hand on the gold door knob Peter replied,"London,to find out if we still have twelve hours or if we'll be going after a cold blooded murder." **************************************************** LONDON,ENGLAND After having J.J. push Alexander's private jet to the limit,Peter thought they broke the speed record from getting from Paris to London's Heathrow airport in just under four and a half hours. With Stone refusing to stay put in Paris,the two friends were standing in the remains of a warehouse in the dwindling sunset hoping against hope that they wouldn't find Gabrille among the ruins. Stone was half listening to Detective Paul Troveau's report of the explosion as he slowly examined the ruins.Hoping he didn't find his friend,but being a former S.E.A.L he knew that the force of the explosion would've wiped out any trace of Gabrille Jamont. Stone crouched down slowly,tiredly rubbing his left hand over his face.As he was about to rejoin Pete something that glittered in the setting sun,caught his eye.Something that made his heart stop and his blood run cold. "PETE!"He called,fear in his voice as tugged at the glittering piece of metal that was caught on a burnt piece of wood. Peter Sinclair started to ask Stone what he'd found when his heart froze as Stone held up a simple gold bracelet.He immediately recognized the bracelet,it could only be Gabrille's....he had given it to her last Christmas. Detective Trouveau quietly came up behind them and glanced at the bracelet Stone was holding as if it were fine china,"Are you sure it is Ms.Jamont's ?"The Detective asked in a soft french accent. As a reply Stone turned the inch wide bracelet inside out,there on the back was a simple engraving: Gaby, Merry Christmas.Peter. "It's hers."Peter Sinclair confirmed a small catch in his voice. ******************************************* As twilight settled over London's Heathrow airport, J.J.,Stone and Peter sat silently in Alexander Additon's private jet. Stone sat solemnly on the small leather couch as he turned Gabrille's bracelet over and over in his right hand. J.J. broke the heavy silence,"Wasn't she wearing that...." the tall thin,black man in his early thirties couldn't complete the sentence when he realized the answer. Stone nodded,his black eyes so full of anger and grief they were the color of coal,"Do you have any idea what kind of force it took to get this bracelet to where I found it?" Stone's voice broke as he pictured Gabrille.....He sprang up off the couch,"I want this guy,Pete.I want him real bad." "You'll have to stand in line."Peter Sinclair said without glancing up from the computer screen where he was reading Detective Paul Trouveau's reports on the warehouse explosion. "How long before we know if....."Stone broke off as he peered over Peter's shoulder at the computer screen. "Gabrille Jamont is still among the living?"Peter finished as he tapped the keyboard. "By normal police means at least a week."Peter said after Stone's nod,"But we have all of Addition Enterprises." As if on cue the video phone came to life. "Satellite link."The computerized female voice said as the satellite link was established between Paris and the jet. The video screen flashed to life showing Alexander's slightly ashen face,he was leaning heavily on his cane as he sat down on the edge of his desk. "I have our best lab sifting through what's left of that warehouse.It will be at least forty eight hours before we know anything.Anything new from your end?" Peter shook his head,"The only evidence we have that Gabrille was in that warehouse when it went up is this."Peter said as he motioned to the bracelet Stone was holding,"Have you heard anything from our friend?" Alex shook his head,"No.I'm surprised he hasn't come over here to gloat." "Well,that would be his style."Peter replied,"But since he hasn't I think that tells us right there that she's still alive.The bracelet could have been easily planted." As if Winston had been waiting for the perfect cue Alexander's transmission was abruptly cut off with a burst of static,replaced by the smug face of Trevor Winston. "Very Good Peter,"The dark haired man in his early thirties said with childish laugh,"I'm surprised Scotland Yard didn't put up a bigger fight,when you decided to leave." Peter Sinclair felt his blood turn to ice as he stared at his old enemy.He felt more than saw Stone start to rush the video screen and put a restraining arm on his friend,"Where's Gabrille?"He demanded. Winston laughed,"Same old Sinclair.Right to the point." Peter had a cold smile on his face as he said,"Let me see Gabrille." Winston had an ear to ear grin on his face,enjoying the power he had,"Not so fast Peter.If you want to find the lovely Ms. Jamont,you'll have to play along." Stone had just about had enough of this clown,"We're not playing any of your games,Winston."He said almost with a snarl on his face. As if noticing him for the first time,"Well,Mr.Stone I see you survived your little swim." Peter gave Stone a warning look,"All right Winston,I'll bite what is the game this time?" Winston crossed his arms over his chest,"For you Peter the game is called cat and mouse." Stone glared at the screen,"You mean rat." Winston glared at him,but said nothing,"For each riddle you solve,one bomb will be removed;but for every one you miss two are added.I will leave you with the first riddle: King Arthur commanded them,but the sun had no power." Winston's transmission winked out and was immediately replaced by Alexander's furious face. ********************************************** "Did you catch any of that?"Peter asked. "Every word,"Alex replied looking puzzled,"Are you going to play along?" "I don't see where we have any choice.Untill we can pinpoint Gabrille's location,we have to." "You and Stone keep at it,and be careful.There's no telling what Winston is capable of.This may be just an elaborate trap to get at you,Peter.I'll try to hurry the lab along." Alex said as he hit the off button for the vidscreen. "Link out."The computer's voice said. As soon as they were clear,Stone whirled around to face the pilot,"Tell me you got something." J.J. glanced up from the computer and shook his head,"Sorry, by the time the computer had a lock,it couldn't tell the difference between Mr.Additon's transmission and Winston's." "Damn."Peter swore as he slammed his right fist down on the desk. "Are you telling me that Winston's transmission piggybacked Mr. A's?"Stone asked. J.J. nodded,"That's why the computer couldn't tell the difference,because to it,there weren't two separate transmissions." "I have to admit,this guy's good."Stone said as he sat down on the corner of the desk,"Any idea what he meant by that riddle?" "Maybe,but we don't know what country to start looking in. He could have stashed her anywhere in the world by now." Peter said,clearly frustrated. Stone thought for a moment before he said,"I don't think he's left London.I mean,why else would he mention King Arthur." Peter nodded in agreement,"J.J.,call up everything we have about King Arthur." J.J. nodded and started tapping away at the keyboard. *********************************************** LONDON,ENGLAND DAYBREAK Gabrille Jamont wanted to strain at her bonds.She wanted to scream,yell, do anything to save herself.But she knew that if she even twitched,this bomb she was sitting on would explode.If it was one thing she hated,she hated being so helpless. Forced to do nonthing but wait,for her white knight to come and rescue her. But Gabrille knew deep down that even Peter Sinclair might not be able to get her out of this one. *********************************** HEATHROW AIRPORT If Stone never read another thing about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table it would be too soon.He slammed the computer printouts down on the desk in frustration.He and Pete had gone over them all night and as far as he was concerned they weren't making any headway. And the clock was still ticking on Gaby. "I think I'm seeing double."Stone said as he tiredly rubbed his eyes. Peter Sinclair stood and stretched the kinks out of his back as he glanced out the window,"You know,I think we're going about this the wrong way." Stone stared at his friend,"How so?" "What if he didn't necessarily mean King Arthur's Knights." Peter said as he gently shoved the sleeping pilot out of the way of the computer screen. Stone peered over Peter's shoulder as he called up a map of London asking the computer to highlight anything with the word Knight in it. "Great."Stone said tiredly as about two dozen red dots popped up on the screen,"How do we narrow it down?" Peter sighed as he starred at the map,"We can't afford to. We're going to have to check out each and every one of them." ************************************************** LONDON,ENGLAND 7:00 a.m. After checking in with Mr.Addition,Stone and Peter decided to split up,each taking half of the list.That left roughly six places each to check out in under two hours. 8:00 a.m. Stone glanced at his watch and frowned as he jumped on a double decker bus as it was about to pull away.He crossed one more place off his list and decided to check in with Pete. He punched a few buttons on his celluar phone,hanging on as the bus passed St.Paul's Cathradel,"Find anything,Pete?" Across town at the Camelot Inn Peter Sinclair shook his head,"No.Where are you headed?" Stone glanced at his list and began to crumple it up,"I thought I'd play a hunch.Talk to you later." 8:30 A.M. As London's subway called The Underground flew along the steel rails,Stone glanced at the subway map and began to think of Gabrille. He wasn't blind,he knew their was a mutual attraction between Pete and Gabrille.But he still loved her,more like a sister. Stone pulled her gold bracelet out of the right pocket of his black leather bomber jacket. He thought of the time he had gone solo to find out what had caused a plane carrying a team of Navy S.E.A.Ls to go down,many of them buddies of his. Gabrille and Pete had tracked him down and once again saved his life. If she died,Winston was about to meet his worst nightmare. Stone replaced the bracelet as the train stopped at Knightsbridge.As he rode the wave of passengers disembarking he remembered the riddle: King Arthur commanded them,but the sun had no power. He took the cement steps to the surface two at a time, realizing what Winston had ment by the riddle.Stone scanned the area around him blocking out the noise of the traffic. As he looked around,he backed up right into a waist high statue of a horses head;a knight. As soon as his back collided with the statue he whirled around and began to examine the statue.Just as he was about to give up his right hand brushed against a piece of paper jammned into a loose piece of bronze plating. Stone took out his celluar phone and punched up Pete's number as he snatched the paper out of the statue. "Pete,we just hit paydirt."Stone said after Sinclair had answered. "What's the next riddle?"Peter asked,pressing his hand over his left ear as heavy morning rush hour traffic whizzed by him on The Strand. Stone unrolled the piece of gray paper," 'Second Star to the right and straight on till morning.' That's Peter Pan." "Right.There's a statue of him along the left bank of The Long Water.I'll meet you there." ******************************************* 9:00 A.M. The bronze statue of 'the boy that would never grow up' stood proudly overlooking the left bank of The Long Water. Peter Sinclair stood impatiently at the foot of the statue knowing full well why Winston had chosen this particular landmark.Besides the namesake,he had always had a fondness for Peter Pan. "Took you long enough."Peter snapped as he caught sight of Stone making his way toward him. "And Hello to you too,"Stone said as he joined Peter by the statue,"Have you ever tried to get across town during rush hour?" The two friends were silent as the examined the statue,Peter was the one who found the next riddle.The paper was jammned into Peter Pan's boot. "One of Dorthy's closest friends was one of these." Peter Sinclair read softly. Stone's dark eyes were puzzled,"Scarecrow,Tinman or the Lion?" As soon as Stone mentioned Lion,Peter's blue eyes lit up,"That's it!Trafalgar Square.Let's go." ************************************************** 9:30 A.M. With less than three hours of Gabrille's life left Peter and Stone arrived at crowded Trafalgar Square.Stone took a moment to gaze at towering Nelson's Column which was the centerpiece of the square.He was flanked by two huge lion statues. "Which do you want right or left?"Stone asked. "Left."Peter replied and disappeared into the crowd. The two friends met up ten minutes later both coming up empty handed. "There has to be something here."Peter said,frustration clearly in his voice. "Unless we have the wrong place."Stone replied. Before Peter could say anything else,his cellular phone rang. "Sinclair." "Tsk,tsk,tsk Peter;and you were doing so well."Winston's smug voice came back. "Winston,"Peter said coldly,"Why can't you just leave her out of this.This is between you and me." "Because,this is much more fun."Winston replied,laughter in his voice,"Besides,I know your weakness for blondes." Peter's blue eyes turned the color of glaciers,"WINSTON.If you've hurt her......" Peter's threat fell on deaf ears as Winston abruptly ended the conversation. ***************************************************** Gabrille Jamont jumped involuntarily when Trevor Winston touched her shoulder. "I'm sorry my dear,did I startle you?"Winston said mockingly. Gabrille's blue eyes glared at him and then down at the red numbered timer that read two hours and thirty six minutes. "Oh yes,I'm sorry about the accommodations." Winston moved away from Gabrille and started to walk around the small room,which was part of the Tower of London. He had managed to get on the list of people that the city of London lets live on the Tower grounds. "Your dear friends Sinclair and Stone have unfortunately made a wrong move.And I'm sorry to say Ms.Jamont,you get to pay for it." Gabrille braced herself as Winston moved toward her. ******************************************* 10:15 a.m. After washing out at Trafalgar Square,Peter and Stone returned to the plane to update Alexander Additon. "The lab finally finished its report on the warehouse explosion.At least we know Gabrille's still alive." Alex said holding the thin manilla folder. "Yes,but for how long?"Peter replied. "Did he say what he wanted?"Alexander asked. "All he has ever wanted is to hurt me.And unfortunately he figured out that Gabrille was a 'weakness'."Peter said softly. Alexander nodded sadly,"Keep me posted." "Link out." Peter Sinclair turned around to find Stone perched in front of the computer,"Stone,what was that last riddle?" "We still going to play his game,Pete?"Stone asked glanced up from the computer screen. Peter sighed,"I don't like it any more than you do,but unless you've got a better idea..." "Maybe,"Stone began tapping away at a few keys,"Remember where the first riddle led us?" Peter thought for a moment,"Knightsbridge,wasn't it?" Stone nodded and tapped another key on the keyboard and a map of London appeared on the screen.One red dot showed where Knightsbridge was. Peter watched as Stone tapped a few more keys and a few more red dots appeared on the map,showing where each riddle had led them. "Winston seems to like landmarks,with the exception of the subway station.I think I figured out where Gaby is."Stone said as he tapped a few more keys and a black circle zeroed in on one famous London landmark. Peter did a double take,"He wouldn't be that cliche`." Stone gave his friend a strange look,"Its up to you,Pete. You know the guy better than anybody." Peter glanced at the clock to see they had just over an hour of Gabrille's life left.They were running out of time and options,"Let's go." *************************************************** 10:45 a.m. With Alexnader Additon's influence,Stone and Peter didn't have to fight with the Tower's security team to get in. With walkie-talkies in hand the two friends split up to cover the Tower grounds. Peter Sinclair forced himself to think like his old enemy as he glanced at his watch once again.Now if he were Winston where would he take Gabrille? Peter maneuvered through the crowd of tourists as he started to walk around the huge courtyard.To his right were barracks that at one part of history housed soldiers and their families.On his left was a museum which housed among other things the Crown Jewels themselves.Peter kept a tight grip on his radio and continued to maneuver through the crowd of tourists. ********************************************** 11:15 a.m. Stone was beginning to doubt his instincts as he kept coming up empty handed as he searched the Courtyard.He had thought for sure Gaby was here,it was classic Winston style. Stone started toward the Tower itself remembering that one of London's Kings' had beheaded a couple of his wives there. He stopped after taking a couple of steps remembering from the map that the Tower was off limits to anyone,including Trevor Winston. Stone glanced down at his watch,and picked up his pace as he headed toward the wood paneled houses that at one time were soldiers' barracks. Stone was rounding the corner of one building after getting a rude response from the lady of the house,when he came to a sudden halt. Stone slowly raised his hands in the air as he found himself staring down the barrel of Trevor Winston's gun. **************************************************** 11:25 a.m. With time almost up on Gabrille's life,Peter Sinclair glared around the huge courtyard in frustration.He took the small radio out of his coat pocket. "Stone,have you found anything?"Peter asked the strong wind off the Thames ruffling his blond hair. Peter's blue eyes narrowed in concern when Stone didn't reply. "Stone?Stone,are you there?Stone?!"Peter asked as his blue eyes scanned the crowd. Stone heard Pete's question but was unable to reply as Trevor Winston shoved him into the small root cellar. Stone regained his footing,and started toward Gabrille. She was unconscienceness.Her blonde hair was ruffled, her pretty face beaten black and blue. Stone felt his blood slowly start to boil as he realized what Winston had done to her. "It wasn't enough for you Winston,to strap a terrified woman to a bomb?You had to beat her to?"He asked coldly as he moved to untie his friend. Stone's hands froze on the ropes as he heard the familiar sound of a gun's hammer clicking back. "I would stay where you are,if I were you Mr.Stone."Winston said coldly,with a gleam in his brown eyes. Stone bit back a smart remark.At least Winston didn't know Pete was here.He had to buy Pete some time to get help. "How did you get out of prison this time,Winston?I thought they threw away the key when they locked you up."Stone asked his hands still raised above his head. "It was actually rather simple,but I won't bore you with the details." Just then Stone's radio crackled to life again,"Damn it, Stone!This isn't funny!" Stone tried to smother the sound but Winston heard it anyway. "That was an admiralable try,Mr.Stone.I knew he was here." Winston said as he moved toward Stone and snatched the small radio out of Stone's coat pocket. ***************************************************** Peter Sinclair was about to call Alexander when his radio crackled to life. "Stone?!" "Try again,Peter."Winston's mocking voice came back. "WINSTON."Peter said coldly,"What the hell have you done to him?" "Nothing,yet." "Winston,we are going to settle this,once and for all." Stone leaned over Winston's shoulder as he was about to reply,"Pete,don't.Its a trap." Winston was fast growing tired of Stone and as an answer to that stunt Trevor backhanded the former S.E.A.L. Stone crash landed into Gabrille causing one of the wires to losen. Which in turn sped up the timer. "WINSTON!Let's finish this,now.Where are you?!"Peter yelled causing a couple of tourists to turn in his direction. "Where the soldiers slept."Winston replied crypticly. Peter shoved the radio in his pocket and took off at a run for the white paneled wooded houses. ********************************************** Stone shoved himself up into a sitting position and attempted to shake the cobwebs out of his head.His tongue tasted blood as he checked to see if his teeth were all there. Stone did a double blink to clear what he thought was double vision.He saw the red numbers on Gaby's timer rapidly picking up speed,on their way to zero. He scrambled to his feet when he realized there was nonthing wrong with his vision. He glanced in Winston's direction to find he was no longer there.Stone crouched next to Gabrille's chair and tried to bring her around. "Gaby?"He called softly,gently raising her head so they were eyelevel."Gaby?It's Stone,can you hear me?" He glanced down at the timer that read ten minutes and losing ground fast. Gabrille's eyes fluttered but she was still too groggy, Winston really did a job on her.Realizing that Gaby wasn't going to be able to help herself,Stone concentrated on the bomb. There was at least a pound of plastic explosive stuck to the underside of the chair.Stone examined the timer itself and realized that it had all kinds of booby traps.If he moved anything it would set off the bomb.He found were the electrodes were attached to the bomb and disconnected them. He gently pried each one off her forehead,which helped bring her around a little more. Peter took that moment to kick open the door,gun raised. "Where's Winston?" Stone didn't look up from the bomb,"I assumed he went after you." "Can you disarm it?"Peter asked as he joined him. "I'm more concerned with getting her off the hotseat." Peter glanced up and noticed a wooden door in the back of the cellar that was partially open,"I know where he went.Take care of her." Peter gently brushed Gabrille's blond bangs away from her bruised forehead and started toward the cellar's door. Stone halted him by saying,"Pete,be careful.He's not worth it." Peter just gave his friend one his famous 'I can handle anything' looks and vanished out the door. ************************************************ Peter Sinclair kept his gun lowered at his side to avoid a panic among the tourists as he skirted around the courtyard to the Tower itself. The Tower was a cylinder brick structure about six stories tall,give or take a few hundred steps. Because of its detoriating condition it had been roped off from tourists for years. Peter cautiously ducked under the gold colored braided rope and started the long climb upward.He knew Trevor Winston too well,not to look for possible booby traps along the way. He only hoped that Stone could get Gabrille away from that bomb in time,or Winston was going to pay dearly. ************************************************* Stone now knew there was no way he was going to disarm the bomb in time. Their only hope was for him to figure out in less than five minutes how Gaby was attached to the plastic explosive. Stone had discovered a thin almost transparent black wire that ran along the back of the chair but from there it seemed to vanish. He glanced at the timer and saw there was less than two minutes left.Stone started at the gray clay substance and traced the wire again.The wire went around the seat of the chair up the wooden back and connected Gaby......there it was a carefully hidden electrode on the small of her back. Stone grinned slightly knowing that she would kill him if she knew where he was reaching.He carefully removed the small suction cup. With less than a minute left Stone franticly untied the ropes binding Gabrille to the chair.With the timer counting down from thirty seconds,he scooped her up and kicked the wooden chair as far toward the back door as he could and raced out the front. Stone had no time to gently set Gaby on the ground as he landed on top of her,a split second later the cellar was engulfed in a ball of flame as the bomb exploded. Tourists screamed as white and brown wood paneling from the house above showered the area. Stone glanced down at Gaby and back at the demolished house,"That was a little too close." ************************************************ Peter Sinclair arrived at the top of the Tower of London,slightly out of breath. The age old dust tickled his nose as he raised his .38. "I know you're here,Winston.Come on out,or are you the coward I always thought you were."Peter called into the darkness slowly catching his breath. Peter heard a clang of metal against metal and whirled around......Trevor Winston stepped out of the darkness in full armor complete with the shield of Camelot. ***************************************************** "Where's Peter?"Alexander Additon's voice came back through the static of Stone's cellular phone. Subcounsciencely Stone glanced around the courtyard as he crouched over the still form of Gabrille,"I don't know, he took off after Winston." Stone could almost see Alexander stand straight up as he said,"Alone?!" Stone closed his black eyes briefly,"I'm going after him." "No,"Alexander said forcefully,"You stay with Gabrille. I'll send Peter some back up.I just hope it gets there in time." *************************************************** "You can't be serious."Peter Sinclair said in shock as he stared at Trevor Winston dressed like a medieval knight. "Don't you know by now Peter?I'm always serious."Winston said as he plucked a sword from the darkness and offered it to Peter. Peter almost dropped the sword,surprised at its weight,"You really want us to settle this like Knights of the Round Table?" Winston grinned,"Its the only way to end this. One way or the other." Peter holsterd his .38 and slowly raised his sword. Winston raised his,and the clang of metal meeting metal could be heard through out the Tower. ************************************************* As the ambulance roared away from the Tower of London, Stone hung on to his seat as the medics worked on Gabrille. Her wounds must be more serious than he thought because they weren't telling him anything. Her heartbeat was weak and her blood pressure kept dropping. They may have got her out of there too late. Stone leaned as close as he could to her while staying out of the medics way,"Hang in there,Gaby." *********************************************** Peter almost lost his grip on his sword as Winston shoved him into the hard brick wall of the Tower. "Why did you have to bring Gabrille into this?" Peter asked as he regained his balance. As their swords clanged Winston replied,"Because,my dear Peter,I know all your weaknesses." There was a grind of metal against metal as neither sword gave up its position.Peter's strength won out and he shoved Winston away from him,causing Winston to crash land into a stack of wooden crates that Peter hadn't noticed before. Trevor Winston struggled to stand but because of his heavy suit of armor,he was stuck. Peter Sinclair layed the sharp point of his sword on Winston's neck,watching the man's adam's apple bounce up and down. "What are you waiting for?Finish it."Winston yelled,his voice coming out slightly hoarse. Peter thought of all the pain this man had caused to the people he cared about the most: nearly killing Stone and Gabrille,taking advantage of Alexander's 'weakness' in the worst way....Peter put pressure on his sword and saw Winston's face go white as a trickle of his blood ran down his neck. Peter opened his mouth to say something when Dectective Paul Trouveau and about six police officers burst in,guns drawn. "Are you all right,Peter?"Trouveau asked keeping his gun trained on Winston. Peter nodded his head and dropped his sword to the floor with a loud clang.He picked Winston up by the back collar and shoved him at Trouveau's officers,"Take care of this garbage." As the officers led Winston away in handcuffs Peter asked,"Where's Stone?" "We had to rush Ms.Jamont to the hospital.It doesn't look very good." Trouveau barely had the words out of his mouth as Peter Sinclair took off down the stairs. *********************************************** PARIS,FRANCE Bennett jumped three feet as Alexander Additon slammed his wooden cane down on his desk in frustration. "What's taking them so long?What the hell is going on with Gabrille?!" Bennett was about to reply when the vidscreen came to life. "Link established." "Peter,what's going on?!"Additon yelled as soon as Peter Sinclair's face appeared on the screen. "It was touch and go for awhile,but Gabrille's going to be fine.She has a couple of broken ribs and a few bruises." Peter replied relief on his handsome face. "What about Trevor Winston?" Stone spoke up from behind Peter,"Our friend Winston is resting comfortably in one of Scotland Yards' highest security prisons.I hope they throw away the key and let him rot." Alex smiled,"You won't get any arguments from me,but I have a feeling this isn't the last we'll see of Trevor Winston." The end