Title: Healing spoilers: none for 3rd season only general second season and ITSOTG,WKODHIB Summary:
Josh isn't the only one who needs healing after the shooting catagory: slight Josh/Donna shipperness, Songfic Notes:
I've had this story knocking around my head since I saw ITSOTG. I kept waiting for AS to give Donna and Sam some scenes
to deal with Josh being shot and they've never really gotten those so I'm giving it to them.:) The song used in this fic
is 'Hero' by Enrique Iglesias no copyright infrigement is intended.. This hasn't been beta'd so all faults are mine. //
indicate song lyrics
/Would you dance if asked you to dance Would you run and never look back Would
you cry if you saw me crying would you save my soul tonight /
Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman woke slowly
subconsciencely testing each nerve ending to see if it was going to explode into pain. Realizing that only half of
them were doing that today Josh opened one eye and squinted at the alarm clock on his nightstand....nine thirty.Josh
sighed and rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. One good thing about being a recovering gun shot victim it
allowed him to sleep in. The last time he had been able to sleep in had been pre-college days.
After a few moments
Josh slowly and gingerly pushed himself into a sitting position. It was only then that he noticed that Donna's usual
note wasn't on the nightstand. Since he had gotten home from the hospital Donna had always left him a note to tell him where
she was in case he woke while she was gone. Josh did a visual search of the area around the nightstand thinking the
note might have fallen. There was nothing on the floor or between the bed and the nightstand.
Okay that meant that
Donna was still here or she had just forgotten to leave a note.
"Donna?"Josh called out wondering why this was
worrying him. Donna had a life of her own she didn't need to tell him where she was every minute of the day.
answered him so Josh tried once more in case she was just coming in with groceries or something.
a worried frown Josh reached for the cordless phone on the nightstand Donna always let him know where she was. He hoped
everything was all right.Josh began to dial a familiar number. With everything Donna had done for him she deserved nothing
but endless days of happiness.
/Would you tremble if I touched your lips Would you laugh oh please tell me
this Now would you die for the one you love Hold me in your arms tonight/
Deputy Communications Director
Sam Seaborn had just stepped out of the Capitol building when his cellular phone rang. Sam pulled the device from his
inside coat pocket and flipped it open.
"Sam? Is Donna at work?"
Sam cupped his free hand
over his other ear so he could hear Josh better as he moved to a less crowded area of the stairs. "She wasn't when
I was there. But she could've gotten there after I left for the hill."
"You at the Hill now?"Josh asked.
my way out now. Just left a very nonproductive meeting on Medicare reform."Sam replied as he reached the bottom of the
stairs. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need me to get something?"
Josh shook his head as he replied. "No, I'm okay.
I just wondered where Donna was since she didn't leave a note. I'm sure she just stepped out and forgot...."
grinned. "Josh this is the same woman who set up 'the rules'. I'll ask around and see if anybody knows where she is."
Sam."Josh replied as he leaned back against the pillow.
"No problem."Sam assured his friend. "Try to get some rest.
I'll stop by with some lunch later."
"Okay."Josh acknowledged as he ended the conversation. He was suddenly
feeling very tired.
With the phone resting on his stomach Josh instantly fell asleep.
/I can be your hero baby
I can kiss away the pain I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away Would you swear that you'll
always be mine /
Donna Moss stared out the car window as the highway stretched out in front of her. She knew
she should turn and head back to D.C. Donna wasn't even sure how she had ended up on the interstate. When she had
left Josh's that morning she had planned on stopping by the West Wing for a couple hours and then head back to check
on her boss. Some how between then and now Donna had decided subconsciencelessly or not that she needed some time to
herself, to clear her head. Driving was usually what helped center her....gave her time to think but not today. Today
her thoughts as they had been since Rosslyn were a jumbled mess. And she couldn't talk to Josh about them....he needed
her to be strong Donna couldn't break down....not now.....not so soon.....Josh had just come home.
After passing
a slow moving car Donna glanced at her cell phone laying on the passenger seat. She should call and let Josh know
where she was. Donna turned her attention back to the road. She'd call in a few minutes. A few minutes was all she
/Would you lie would you remember My angel be have I lost my mind I don't care you're here tonight I
can be your hero baby I can kiss away the pain/
At one thirty Sam shifted the two bags of food to his left hand
and knocked on Josh's apartment door. He hadn't been able to track down Donna and Sam knew that news wouldn't make
Josh happy. Not that Sam blamed his friend for worrying....Sam was starting to get worried too. It was very unlike
Donna not to let somebody know where she is. Especially after Rosslyn.
Josh opened the door and immediately took
one of the bags of food from Sam as Seaborn walked past him into the apartment. "Is my burger in this one?"
laughed. "Did you actually think you were going to get one?"
"Sam....after all I've been through after all the hospital
food....you bring me a...."Josh paused as he opened the bag. "A salad? This is little more than rabbit food."
placed his bag on the kitchen table before turning. "If I brought you that charcoal thing you call a burger Donna would
kill me ten ways from Sunday."
At Donna's name Josh instantly sobered as he approached the table and placed the
salad down on it's surface. "Any news?"
Sam sat down as he shook his head. "No. Nobody saw her this morning not
even Margaret."
"What about phone calls?"Josh asked anxiously pushing the salad aside. He could feel that something
was wrong. Donna would've called long before now.
Sam pulled out a bag of luke warm french fries while saying. "She
didn't call in sick. Margaret checked with personnel no temp was sent up."
Josh jumped to his feet a little
too quickly as pain shot up his rib cage. He ignored the pain as he moved to the closet to grab his jacket. "That's
it...I'm going out to look for her."
Sam stood. "Josh you're not well enough to go...."
Josh whirled around.
"Don't tell me I'm not well enough, Sam! I've been cooped up for months first in the hospital and now here! Something's
wrong with Donna and we both know it. She hasn't left my side for more than a cat nap since I was released and now
it's been nearly six hours with no word and you expect me to sit here and do nothing?"
"Yes."Sam replied calmly.
"I'll let Leo know what's going on and then I'll go out and start looking."
Josh shook his head fiercely. "Sam....I'm
going with."
"No."Sam replied. "You need to be here in case she calls."
"Sam that's what they invented cell
phones and call forwarding for."
"Just trust me and stay here."Sam stated firmly as he placed a hand on his friend's
shoulder. "You may think you're strong but you're not. You just got out of the hospital after being shot....Josh,
stay here and rest."
Josh started to protest but relented as he felt his energy begin to fade again. He hated that
he was always so tired.
"Alright....but you call me...."
Sam nodded. "I will."
Josh met his gaze. "I
mean it as soon as you locate her."
"I promise, Josh."Sam replied before the turned and left the apartment.
will stand by you forever You can take my breath away Ohhh I just wanna hold you, I just wanna hold you, oh yeah
It was nearly six o'clock before Sam finally pulled into the parking lot of the Harbor Court Hotel in Baltimore.
It had just been pure luck that a few well placed inquires had turned up a toll booth operator who had remembered Donna
passing through around two that afternoon. They hadn't been sure that Donna knew somebody in Baltimore or had just
decided to get a hotel room but they had done a search of the hotels anyway and found her registered in one at the
Sam entered the hotel and took the elevator to the third floor. After a few moments of searching he found
Donna's room at the end of the hall and he knocked. When Donna answered the door Donna didn't appear to be that surprised
to see him.
"Sam isn't there a crisis somewhere in the world you need to be attending too?"Donna asked wearily
as she opened the door all the way to allow her friend entry into the room.
Sam smiled briefly. "Leo gave me the
afternoon off from fighting crisises."he replied as he shut the door behind him.
Donna sat down on the corner of
the bed and Sam could see her eyes were red rimmed from crying. "So you could track me down."
Sam pulled a desk
chair over to the bed and sat down. "Did you really think Josh wouldn't notice you were gone?"
At Josh's name Donna's
eyes instantly filled with worry. "Is he okay?"
Sam nodded. "Physically yes. He's worried sick about you. You just
can't disappear on him like that Donna....especially now."
Donna dropped her head. "I didn't mean to be gone this
long. I just got in the car to go to work this morning and I decided I needed some time to clear my head so I drove.
I ended up here....it wasn't planned."
"Why didn't you call him?"Sam asked even though he had an inkling of what
her answer would be. Donna had been with Josh twenty four/seven since the shooting. As far as he knew she'd never talked
to anyone about what had happened at Rosslyn. Donna had just leapt in with both feet and taken care of Josh just like she
always had. He needed her and she was there simple as that.
Donna stood and walked over to the window. "I meant
to Sam I really did. I didn't want him to worry. I just needed some space.....a little time to myself."
"He would've
given you that."Sam stated."All of us would have if you'd just come to us. None of us expected you to take care of
Josh all by yourself twenty-four hours a day."
Donna folded her arms around her chest as she leaned against the window
frame her gaze fixated on the harbor below."I don't mind taking care of him, Sam."
Sam stood and closed the space
between them. "Who's taking care of you, Donna?"he asked softly.
Donna turned away from the window eyes bright
with unshed tears. "Josh is."
Sam tried to keep the dubious expression off of his face. He loved Josh like
a brother but Sam also knew him like a book Josh could be a bear on the best days and when he was in pain the gloves
were off.
Donna caught Sam's expression and smiled. "Believe it or not he is, Sam. This experience changed all
of us and we're working through it."
Sam touched her shoulder gently. "If you were Donna you wouldn't be here."
met his gaze and was touched by the concern she saw there. "I'm okay, Sam."
Sam shook his head. "None of us are
okay and we never will be. Josh nearly died."
"Don't you think I know that?"Donna replied her voice strained almost
to the breaking point. "I watched as they pulled open his chest.....he was so pale.....all the blood....."
swallowed hard fighting to keep the images of the shooting at bay. It was bad enough that they haunted his dreams. He
reached over and pulled Donna into his arms.
As soon as she was pulled into Sam's comforting hug Donna broke down.
Everything she had tried to keep bottled up over the last few weeks finally broke free.
"Ssssh, Donna. It's okay
just let it out."Sam whispered soothingly as he lowered them to the floor so his back was against the wall below the
Sam felt his own eyes wet with tears as Donna's small frame continued to be rocked with sobs. It had been
months since the shooting and some days it felt like he would never get past it. Sam had nearly lost two of his closest
friends that day not to mention that the President had been injured as well. He'd never understand why bad things happened
to good people.
"I thought he was right behind us."Sam heard himself whisper and he felt Donna's sobs stop as she
pulled back to look at him.
"Sam there's no way you could've known what was going to happen."Donna replied her
voice hoarse.
Sam nodded. "I know that in my head.....but I keep wondering what would've happened if we had all
been together. If Josh hadn't been separated."
Donna placed a hand on Sam's left shoulder as she met his gaze. "Sam,
you saved CJ's life. If you hadn't pushed her down she would've been hit too."
"He's my best friend, Donna and
I didn't even realize he was hurt until we heard Toby screaming."Sam continued as if he hadn't heard her.
said forcefully until she was sure he was hearing her. "Josh doesn't blame you."
Sam met her gaze. "I know and
I know it doesn't make sense to feel this way. I wasn't close enough to do anything and yet I still think I should
have protected him."
"You saved CJ and you walked away unscathed that's what mattered most to Josh."Donna replied
softly. "One of the first things he asked me was who else had been hurt. You should've seen the relief that flowed
over his face when I told him that everyone was just banged up and that nobody had been seriously hurt. Sam, it's a
miracle that all of you weren't killed."
"I know."Sam said struggling to regain his composure. Donna had enough
to deal with right now without him dumping his feelings and nightmares on her. "I just feel like I've let Josh down."
reached up and gently touched his face. "You haven't Sam. You've been his rock. He treasures your friendship and it's helped
him get through this ordeal."
Sam laughed softly and shook his head.
"What's so funny?"Donna asked with a weak
Sam shook his head. "Nothing. It's just I came here to make sure that you were okay and here you are reassuring
Donna smiled. "Friendship is a two way street, Sam. You've been dealing with a lot too."
"Thanks, Donna."Sam
replied sincerely as he stood and offered her a helping hand.
Donna grasped his hand and rose to her feet. "Thank
you for listening. I couldn't talk to Josh about it."
"He's stronger than you think."Sam replied as he reached
into his inside coat pocket for his phone. He had a promise to keep.
Donna nodded. "I just want him to get better.
We can deal with the emotional stuff once he's healed."
"It's going to be a long haul."Sam stated as he looked
past her and out at the harbor.
"I know."Donna replied her voice gaining strength. "And we'll be here when
he needs us."
Sam nodded as he turned away from the window and held up his phone. "I promised Josh I'd call when
I found you."
Donna looked over at the hotel room phone. "I'll call."
"You don't have to talk to him right now
if you're not ready."Sam replied. "I can tell him that you just need some time."
Donna touched his right arm. "It's
okay. I'll call."
"Okay. I'll be downstairs in the restaurant when you're ready to leave."Sam said as he walked
toward the door.
"Thanks Sam."
"Any time."
/My angel be have I lost my mind I don't care your here
tonight I can be your hero baby I can kiss away the pain/
Donna sat down on the bed and picked up the phone.
Her fingers shook slightly as she dialed a very familiar number. Donna hoped he could forgive her for staying away
when he needed her.
"Hello?"Josh answered and Donna winced hearing the worry and fear in his voice.
"Donnatella, thank God."Josh replied feverently. "Do you have any idea how worried I've been? You didn't
leave a note."
"I'm sorry, Joshua. I never meant to worry you."
/(Oh yeah) I will stand by you forever You
can take my breath away I can be your hero I can kiss away the pain/
Josh loosened his grip on the phone his
knuckles were starting to lose color "Why'd you disappear, Donna? Sam said they found you in Baltimore."
fiddled with the phone cord. "I needed to clear my head.....so I just drove.....and I ended up in Baltimore. It wasn't planned."
winced as memories of his behavior over the last few weeks came back to him. He hadn't been very gallant to say the least.
"I haven't been very sensitive to you lately, have I?"
Donna smiled at the sheepish tone of his voice. "You're recovering,
Josh. You're not supposed to be a hundred percent."
"But that doesn't mean I can get away with being a jerk to
you."Josh replied. "You've gone above and beyond the call by taking care of me. That certainly wasn't in your job description
when you signed on. I know I haven't been very good at showing it but I am grateful that you're taking care of me.
I wouldn't have made it this far without you."
"Don't sell yourself short, Joshua."Donna replied as she felt tears
threatening to flow again. "You're the Bartlet Administration pitbull, remember? Nothing gets you down."
I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away You can take my breath away I can be your hero/
are you coming home, Donnatella?"Josh whispered as he closed his eyes He knew it was stupid....he was a grown man...
but right now he couldn't picture spending a night in this apartment without her. He'd gotten used to her presence.
stood. "Sam's waiting for me downstairs. I just have to check out."
"Tell Sam I owe him one."Josh replied tiredly.
will."Donna assured him. "Get some rest, Josh. I'll be home soon."