"Karaoke Blues" Notes: This is my first attempt at writing from a first person
pov. Post episode piece for Somebody's going to Emergancy, Somebody's going to Jail.
llllosttt that llllloooooovvvviiin feeeeeelllllliiiinnng"
"Who's idea was it to go to a Karaoke bar?"I whisper as I
try to find a more comfortable position on the stool. I don't want to look at the source of the painful noise I just heard....but
it's like a train wreck you can't look away.
"This isn't a Karaoke bar."CJ replied her face mirroring mine.
thought you took Josh's copy of Top Gun away from him the last time they did this."Toby muttered as he came to stand next
to me. By now the whole bar is quiet except for that sound.
"I did."I reply as I glance across the bar. Noting that
Josh and Sam have now made their way to the front of the bar. This can't end good.
"Are there any press in here?"Toby
inquired glancing at CJ.
CJ kept her gaze fixed on her third glass of white wine. "I've been trying not to look, Toby."
that part of your job?"Toby replied as he took a sip of scotch not really tasting it by this point.
"You're head of
communications."CJ shot back trying to curb her headache.
I risk a glance at Sam....at least he's smiling....with the
week he's had I hadn't seen too many of those gorgeous smiles of his.
"Donna."Toby prods my attention back to him.
"I think its time to reign Josh in."
"Nnnnnnooooow itttttt's gooooooone, gonnnnnnne, goooooooonnnnnneee wwwwwwhoa,
ooooh, whoaaa."
I cringe at the off key voices and meet Toby's gaze. "He's past the reigning in stage, Toby."
he thinks he's on a stage."CJ countered the wine starting to affect her.
I glance from her to Toby and back again and
wonder how scary it is that out of the five of us Toby Ziegler and I are the soberest in the place.
bbbbbbbuuuummmm, bbbbbbbuuuuuuum baaaaaaa aaaa bbbbbuuum."
Toby shoots me a pleading look. "Now they've lost the words."
do you want me to do, Toby?"I ask looking at Josh who was now using a beer bottle as a microphone."Wrestle him to the ground?"
think you could take him."
"You're the only one who can ever get through to him, Donna even when he's
drunk out of his mind."
I sigh and stand looking longingly back at my half full margarita. "If I'm not back in twenty
minutes send in some backup."
Toby grinned slightly."Backup? You watch cop shows?"
"Leave the girl alone, Toby."CJ
admonished as she finished off her glass of wine.
I don't hear Toby's reply as I push my way through the crowd which
has started talking again. The singing duo looked like they were arguing over what song to butcher next.
call out as I reach their side.
Before Josh can reply I feel a tug on my arm and suddenly find myself in Sam's embrace.
we danced, Donna?"Sam asks quietly and as I look into his eyes I see they're starting to clear.
I smile and pat his
shoulder gently. "Yes, Sam, we've danced."I look over at my boss. "Josh, Toby's cut you off."
"Toby always cuts me
off, what's your point?"Josh replies and I can't help but notice that his gaze lingers on me a little too long.
wise, Joshua, alcohol wise."I clarify trying to hide a grin.
Josh looks hurt."I'm not drunk."
"You never know
when you're drunk."I counter as I try to pull away from Sam. Sam lets my waist go but keeps a lose arm around my shoulders.
has a point, you know."Sam agrees as he grins at his best friend.
"I wasn't drinking alone here tonight, pal of mine."Josh
replies as to my relief starts to inch his way through the crowd back to the bar.
I follow Sam close behind.
know when I'm drunk."Sam insists his speech slurring slightly.
I reach back and take his hand in mine to keep him from
tripping over anything.
"Josh, I'm commandeering your vcr."Toby informs as we reach the bar.
Josh looks at him
blankly. "Why?"
"Because you can't sing."
"What does that have to do with my vcr? And I can to sing."
stifles a laugh and nearly chokes in the process. She meets my gaze for a moment and motions to her cell phone. I get the
gesture....she's calling a cab a drill she and I have done many times over the years.
As we make our way outside I
realize that Sam's still close behind me. I turn to face him.
"Thank you for today, Donna."Sam states quietly as he
shoves his hands into his pockets.
"For what?"I ask thinking I had only made his week worse by bringing Stephanie to
his attention.
"For listening.....about my parents."Sam replies and looks away quickly.
"I'm here whenever you
need me."I whisper as I wrap him in a hug. As I pull away I glance to my left and see Josh watching us strangely.
you tomorrow, Sam."I say as I turn and walk toward Josh just as one of the cabs pulls up.
"Want to share it?"I ask
when Josh doesn't say anything.
"Sure."Josh replies as he gets into the cab and I slide in next to him.
of Josh telling the driver our addresses the first half of the cab ride is silent. Then as we get within two blocks of my
apartment he says something that completely floors me.
"Sam's a good guy."Josh states looking past me out the window.
"He'll take good care of you. Treat you like you deserve to be treated."
"Josh, what are you talking about?"I ask even
though I know from experience that trying to talk to drunk Josh is a losing battle.
"You and Sam."He replies as if
that clears everything up."You look good together. You'll probably have cute kids....one dark haired one blonde...."
swallow hard wondering how long he's been under this assumption."Josh, Sam and I are just friends. He's had a rough week....I
was there to listen, that's all."
Josh's face brightens and he reaches for my hand. "I-I wasn't going to stand in your
My heart rate triples....did he mean that or was that drunk Josh talking. "There's nothing to stand in the
way of, Josh....Sam and I are just friends."
"Good."Josh replies softly and just when I think he might actually say
something about this thing between us I can see the alcohol finally take full affect. His eyes drift closed and he rests his
head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him close. After a moment the driver pulls the cab up in front
of my apartment complex. He asks if there was anybody at Josh's apartment to let him in. I shake my head and open the door.
I tell the driver that taking Josh home isn't necessary....I'll take care of him just like always.