"Darkness and Light" By:Cindy Brewer cindybre74@aol.com Summary: Yet another take on the finale :) Notes: This was written before the premire aired. Red. That was all Deputy Chief of Staff Joshua Lyman saw everywhere he looked. Splotches of blood on the ground here. Bigger pools of blood there. Josh closed his eyes briefly in a futile attempt to keep his sanity. He had heard his grandparents talk of the horrors of World War II. He never imagined in a million years that he would come anywhere near a gun battle. Especially one where he could only watch in helpless horror as people he loved were gunned down before his eyes. Josh shook his head sharply forcing his attention back to what he was doing. He looked down again and saw nothing but blood covering his hands and jacket as he used it as a compress. A compress to keep Sam Seaborn's lifeblood from seeping into the cold ground. "Damn it, Sam," Josh ordered in a choked whisper. "You *are not* going to give up! Not like this, Sam.....don't let the bastards take you like this...." Hands were suddenly on his shoulders pulling him away. Josh fought them off his attention fully on saving his friend's life. It took him a full minute to realize it was three members of the Secret Service pulling him away. Josh numbly allowed them to do so only when he saw two waiting paramedics kneeling nearby. The Secret Service agents tried to pull Josh to his feet but Lyman wouldn't budge. As if from far away Josh could hear them reporting back and forth on their radios. / 'Princeton's down! We have Harvard..... Flamingo's already in an ambulance on the way to..../ Josh gulped and his lungs cried for air as he sat on the ground watching the paramedics struggle to save Sam's life. He didn't even remember how he had gotten from behind the fence to the row of limos where he had found his fallen friends. Finally Josh let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding....it was easier to breathe now. /Come on Samuel...../ "Blood pressure's dropping way too fast," a female black paramedic shouted to her partner as she feverantly tried to find a good vein in which to place an IV. Her partner, a blond man, nodded grimly. "He's going into shock. We have to move him or he won't make it to the hospital....." ********** Josh Lyman woke with a start sitting straight up in bed. His body was covered with sweat. His heart was beating so fast he thought it was going to fly right out of his chest. His lungs were grasping for air as he struggled to catch his breath. Damn nightmares......Josh swore silently as he leaned back against the headboard and closed his eyes. He'd had them every night for the past three weeks. Three weeks since that awful night at the Newseum. Each dream was a different variation as to what had really occured that night. Donna stirred next to him. She awoke fully when she saw him sitting against the headboard. "Another nightmare?" Moss asked quietly as she pulled herself into a sitting postion before resting a hand on his chest. Josh nodded as he captured her hand with his. "They're all fine,Donna," he whispered hoarsely. "Hell none of them were even seriously injured, unless you count Toby's broken ribs and collar bone. So why am I still having these horrible dreams where they're bleeding......where they're dying....." Donna pulled him toward her so his head was resting in her lap. She hated seeing him like this....night after night. Josh was in pain and there was nothing she could do to help him....except to hold him when he needed her. "Josh, you watched something unspeakably horrible happen. People you care about were in mortal danger and you couldn't do anything to help from where you were," Donna replied softly as she stroked his hair lightly. "This is your mind's way of dealing with it." Lyman met her gaze for a long moment before reaching up and tenderly touching her right cheek. "How did I get so lucky as to have you in my life, Donnatella?" he whispered huskily. "You don't know how grateful I am that you were there for me the last few awful weeks. I honestly don't know if I could've gotten through it without you." "You would have," Donna whispered tearfully. She had come so close to losing him that day. Josh sat up and tenderly wiped the tears away from her cheeks. "I love you Donatella," he replied quietly as he leaned forward so their noses were only inches apart. "I love you too, Joshua," Donna whispered just as his lips captured hers. End